Source code for otp_agents.forms

This package provides subclasses of
:class:`~django_otp.forms.OTPAuthenticationForm` and
:class:`~django_otp.forms.OTPTokenForm` with an extra boolean field called
``otp_trust_agent``. The user can check this option to indicate that they'd
like to bypass OTP verification when accessing the site from the same browser
in the future.

When these forms are used with :func:`django.contrib.auth.views.login`, we will
call the appropriate django-agent-trust APIs automatically. If the trust option
is selected, the agent will be trusted persistently; if not, it will be trusted
for the current session. Views willing to accept a trusted agent in lieu of OTP
verification may then use
:func:`~django_agent_trust.decorators.trusted_agent_required` in place of
from django import forms

import django_otp.forms

class OTPAgentFormMixin(object):
    def clean_agent(self):
        user = self.get_user()

        if getattr(user, 'otp_device', None) is not None:
            if self.cleaned_data.get('otp_trust_agent'):
                user.otp_trust_this_agent = True
                user.otp_trust_this_session = True

[docs]class OTPAuthenticationForm(django_otp.forms.OTPAuthenticationForm, OTPAgentFormMixin): """ Extends :class:`~django_otp.forms.OTPAuthenticationForm` with support for agent trust. """ otp_trust_agent = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label="Trust this agent")
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(OTPAuthenticationForm, self).clean() self.clean_agent() return cleaned_data
[docs]class OTPTokenForm(django_otp.forms.OTPTokenForm, OTPAgentFormMixin): """ Extends :class:`~django_otp.forms.OTPTokenForm` with support for agent trust. """ otp_trust_agent = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label="Trust this agent")
[docs] def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(OTPTokenForm, self).clean() self.clean_agent() return cleaned_data